I changed the name of my jewellery making business!

So i did a thing, I changed the name of my little business from Rocks n Chains to Relax n Craft! I can honestly say I have never been happier with my huge decision and it has reignited my passion for my business and its unlocked so many new paths for my small business to go down I am so excited to show you over the next few months just what is going to be coming.

September 22, 2023


So i did a thing, I changed the name of my little business from Rocks n Chains to Relax n Craft! I can honestly say I have never been happier with my huge decision and it has reignited my passion for my business and its unlocked so many new paths for my small business to go down I am so excited to show you over the next few months just what is going to be coming.

So why did I give myself and my web developer such a headache by changing?

Well 14 years ago when I was making jewellery for commissions and big events I needed a name that encapsulated what i did, but also had a edgy name and it was quite easy to come up with the name Rocks n Chains as I worked with gemstones (Rocks) and made mostly chain maille (Chains) it did exactly what it said on the tin

I got a friends husband to make me a logo it had to show the medieval history of chain maille, the elegance of gemstones in jewellery and the modern nature of my style of jewellery. I loved my logo as it was so distinctive ( I still love it now!) and I kept that logo for many years.

But then Covid hit and all my avenues for selling my jewellery stopped instantly, so I had 2 choices the first was to just accept the situation and try my best to stay afloat, or second use my past 7 years experience working on shopping tv as a jewellery making demonstrator to my advantage and start selling my own jewellery making craft kits.

I chose the second option and put my big girl pants on and went for it and the rest as they say is history!! 2 years ago I started Relax n Craft a jewellery making subscription box and it ignited a huge fire in me! I loved it again like my Rocks n Chains name it did exactly what it said on the tin we were all relaxing and crafting.

So fast forward to a few months ago and while having a session with a business coach it dawned on me that the name of my business didn’t reflect what I did any more and I was subconsciously not talking about Rocks n Chains any more I had in my head fallen out of love with my business name and any one will tell you if you don’t love something you don’t talk about it, so I took a couple of weeks off social media and I thought about what I wanted to do and it took me less than a minute to realise that Relax n Craft was not only a great name for my subscription box, but it is the most perfect name for my business and after a few emails back and forward with Kate from Quaff Digital it was something that we could do and thats where our head ache started, but after a few weeks here we are and I am over the moon with my huge business choice.



So whats next for Relax n Craft?

Well there is lots of brand new things on the horizon including a new concept of Relax n Craft box, but I will tell you more about that in the next few weeks. The main thing is to keep growing and introducing more people to the wonderful world of jewellery making and craft. One thing will never change though and that is the amazing jewellery making kits with everything in them you need to make the piece of jewellery, a full in depth tutorial to show you step by step how to make it and also inspiration by the bucket load, the incredible subscription box with a different jewellery medium each month and all the fun on all my social media channels

So thank you all for everyone who has supported me on my new journey, you have all been so understanding when we had a few teething problems, you have all been so encouraging when I wanted to run and hide from all the problems and finally to any new people who are reading this blog post come and join the amazing community of Relax n Craft.

So don’t forget to Take some time for yourself and Relax n Craft

Fleur x

Relax n Craft Jewellery Subscription Box

£37.50 on the 10th of each month

Relax n Craft is a monthly jewellery making subscription service, brought to you by Relax n Craft.

September spare box


1 Comment

  1. Jill Houghton

    You are a huge inspiration to me and an amazing person and through this you have become a friend. You got me feeling excited about making jewellery again and showing me techniques I never thought I would ever be able to do. I look forward every month to my subscription box and to be able to Relax n Craft with you. Thank you so much 😻